When you take the step of treating your hearing loss with hearing aids, you are showing the ones you love how important they are to you. Your hearing aids show your loved ones that you don’t want to miss out on hearing what they have to say.

Whether you wear hearing aids or not, the following tips can be used to help you communicate with that special person in your life on the most romantic day of the year!


  • If you wear hearing aids, make certain you are able to hear your Valentine professing their love for you by having your hearing aids fully charged or putting fresh batteries in them.
  • Restaurants can be a noisy place that can drown out a conversation with your Valentine. Why not control the background noise by having a romantic dinner at home! Set the mood by turning off the TV and eliminating other background noises. Also, don’t dim the lights too much, you want to be able to clearly see your Valentine’s facial expressions and mouth to aid in understanding what they say.
  • Gaze into your Valentine’s beautiful eyes. Conversating face to face makes understanding words easier than having a conversation with the back of their head or from a different room.
  • Hold your Valentine’s hand to show how much you love them. This will also help in preventing your Valentine from covering their face. When he/she covers their face, their words become muffled and more difficult to understand.
  • Pay attention! Nothing is going to irritate your Valentine more, or diminish understanding what she/he is saying, than being distracted. Focus on the words being said, not what you are going to be doing tomorrow.
  • Lead by example. A soft voice, a loud voice, and rushed words are difficult to clearly understand. So, when professing your love for your Valentine, speak in a normal tone and don’t rush your words. More likely than not, your Valentine will mimic your speech rate and volume and give you the ability to understand him/her more clearly.


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