We know that tinnitus can be attributed to several things such as

  • Hearing Loss
  • Stress
  • Medication
  • High Blood Pressure

But what about a B-12 deficiency?

B-12 plays a big role in the production of myelin in your body. Myelin is a mixture of proteins and molecules that form a whitish insulating sheath around many nerve fibers. This sheath around the nerve fibers increases the speed at which impulses are conducted. If your body is lacking B-12, communication between nerves can deteriorate. This deterioration can cause tinnitus.

Results from a randomized, double-blind pilot study conducted at Era’s Lucknow Medical College indicate an encouraging outcome of B-12 therapy for patients suffering with tinnitus. In this study, patients with tinnitus who had undergone intramuscular therapy of B-12 for six weeks indicated an improvement in their tinnitus severity index score. Of course, more tests and studies need to be conducted, but it’s a start!

A B-12 deficiency can be caused if you don’t get enough vitamin B-12 in your diet from foods such as milk, eggs, and meat. Someone who is older or someone who follows a vegetarian diet would be more likely to suffer from a B-12 deficiency. Also, someone who is unable to absorb enough B-12 can have a deficiency.

Tinnitus sufferers can benefit by having a conversation with their physician regarding their tinnitus and the possibility of a B-12 deficiency. Your physician can guide you onto the best path for treating a deficiency, which in turn, could help quiet your tinnitus symptoms.

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